8086 Assembly Program to Add Two 16 bit Numbers

data segment
a dw 0202h
b dw 0408h
c dw ?
data ends

code segment
assume cs:code,ds:data
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,a
mov bx,b
add ax,bx
mov c,ax
int 3
code ends
end start


C:\TASM>masm an16add.asm
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 5.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981-1985, 1987.  All rights reserved.
Object filename [an16add.OBJ]:
Source listing  [NUL.LST]:
Cross-reference [NUL.CRF]:
  50402 + 450254 Bytes symbol space free
      0 Warning Errors
      0 Severe  Errors
C:\TASM>link an16add.obj
Microsoft (R) Overlay Linker  Version 3.60
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1983-1987.  All rights reserved.
Run File [AN16ADD.EXE]:
List File [NUL.MAP]:
Libraries [.LIB]:
LINK : warning L4021: no stack segment
C:\TASM>debug an16add.exe
AX=060A  BX=0408  CX=0022  DX=0000  SP=0000  BP=0000  SI=0000  DI=0000
DS=0B97  ES=0B87  SS=0B97  CS=0B98  IP=0011   NV UP EI PL NZ NA PE NC
0B98:0011 CC            INT     3
-d 0B97:0000
0B97:0000  02 02 08 04 0A 06 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
0B97:0010  B8 97 0B 8E D8 A1 00 00-8B 1E 02 00 03 C3 A3 04   ................
0B97:0020  00 CC 86 72 FF 77 15 8A-86 70 FF 2A E4 50 B8 FD   ...r.w...p.*.P..
0B97:0030  05 50 FF 36 24 21 E8 77-63 83 C4 06 FF 36 24 21   .P.6$!.wc....6$!
0B97:0040  B8 0A 00 50 E8 47 5E 83-C4 04 5E 8B E5 5D C3 90   ...P.G^...^..]..
0B97:0050  55 8B EC 81 EC 84 00 C4-5E 04 26 80 7F 0A 00 74   U.......^.&....t
0B97:0060  3E 8B 46 08 8B 56 0A 89-46 FC 89 56 FE C4 5E FC   >.F..V..F..V..^.
0B97:0070  26 8A 47 0C 2A E4 40 50-8B C3 05 0C 00 52 50 E8   &.G.*[email protected].

23 thoughts on “8086 Assembly Program to Add Two 16 bit Numbers”

    1. DW stands for define word. When we require 16 bit date, we use DW.
      DB stands for define byte. When 8bit data is required, we use DW.

    2. These are assembler directives
      dw = define word
      db = define byte

      used to specify the size of the data variable

    1. int 3 and int 21h both works fine, after all int 3 is used to terminate statements above it and int 21h is used to terminate whole program

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