Implementing Best Fit Algorithm in C++

Here is C++ implementation of Best Fit Algorithm.



struct job


  int no;

  int size;

  int add;


struct mem


  int no;

  int size;

  int f;

  int jno;


void main()



  //Getting No Of Blocks

  cout << "\n Enter No of Blocks in memory:";

  int loc;

  cin >> loc;


  int x, y;


  mem m[99], tempm;

  //Getting Size Of Blocks

  for (int i = 0; i < loc; i++)


    cout << "\n Enter Size of block" << i + 1 << ":";

    cin >> m[i].size;

    m[i].no = i + 1;

    m[i].f = 0;

    m[i].jno = 0;


  //Getting Jobs No

  int jobn;

  cout << "\n Enter No of Jobs:";

  cin >> jobn;

  job j[99];

  //Getting Job Size

  for (x = 0; x < jobn; x++)


    cout << "\n Enter size of Job" << x + 1 << ":";

    cin >> y;

    j[x].no = x + 1;

    j[x].size = y;

    j[x].add = 0;


  //Printing IP

  cout << "\nJobNo\tJobSize";

  for (x = 0; x < jobn; x++)


    cout << "\n";

    cout << j[x].no;

    cout << "\t" << j[x].size;


  //Sorting MemBlocks

  for (x = 0; x < loc; x++)


    for (y = 0; y < loc; y++)


      if (m[x].size < m[y].size)


        tempm = m[x];

        m[x] = m[y];

        m[y] = tempm;




  //Putting Jobs

  for (x = 0; x < jobn; x++)


    for (y = 0; y < loc; y++)


      //check if space is blank

      if ((m[y].f == 0) && (m[y].size >= j[x].size) && (j[x].add != 1))


        m[y].jno = j[x].no;

        m[y].f = 1;

        j[x].add = 1;


      //do nothing NO FIT!!!!!



  //Sorting MemBlocks Again

  for (x = 0; x < loc; x++)


    for (y = 0; y < loc; y++)


      if (m[x].no < m[y].no)


        tempm = m[x];

        m[x] = m[y];

        m[y] = tempm;




  cout << "\nBlockNo\tMemSize\tJobNo\tJobSize\tStatus\tInternalFreg";

  for (x = 0; x < loc; x++)


    cout << "\n";

    cout << m[x].no;

    cout << "\t" << m[x].size;

    cout << "\t" << m[x].jno;

    y = m[x].jno;

    y = y - 1;

    if (m[x].jno != 0)

      cout << "\t" << j[y].size;


      cout << "\t" << "0";

    cout << "\t" << m[x].f;

    if (m[x].jno != 0)

      cout << "\t" << m[x].size - j[y].size;


      cout << "\t" << "0";




/* Output

 Enter No of Blocks in memory:4

 Enter Size of block1:30

 Enter Size of block2:15

 Enter Size of block3:50

 Enter Size of block4:20

 Enter No of Jobs:4

 Enter size of Job1:10

 Enter size of Job2:20

 Enter size of Job3:30

 Enter size of Job4:10

JobNo   JobSize

1       10

2       20

3       30

4       10

BlockNo MemSize JobNo   JobSize Status  InternalFreg

1       30      3       30      1       0

2       15      1       10      1       5

3       50      4       10      1       40

4       20      2       20      1       0


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