Implementing SJF in C++

Here is C++ implementation of Shortest Job First (SJF) algorithm.



struct process


  int no;

  int at;

  int et;

  int wt;

  int tt;


void main()



  process p[4];

  int i, j;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)


    cout << "\n Enter arrival time of P" << i + 1 << ":";

    cin >> p[i].at;

    cout << "\n Enter execution time of P" << i + 1 << ":";

    cin >> p[i].et;

    p[i].no = i;


  cout << "\n PNO\tAT\tET";

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)


    cout << "\n P" << p[i].no + 1 << "\t" << p[i].at << "\t" << p[i].et;



  process temp;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)


    for (j = i + 1; j < 4; j++)


      if (p[i].et > p[j].et)


        temp = p[i];

        p[i] = p[j];

        p[j] = temp;




  p[0].wt = 0;

  p[0].tt = p[0].et;

  int tte = p[0].et;

  for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)


    p[i].wt = p[i - 1].wt + p[i - 1].et - (p[i].at - p[i - 1].at);

    p[i].tt = p[i].wt + p[i].et;

    tte = tte + p[i].et;


  cout << " \n Result";

  cout << "\n PNO\tAT\tWT\tET\tTT";

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)


    cout << "\n P" << p[i].no + 1 << "\t" << p[i].at << "\t" << p[i].wt << "\t" << p[i].et << "\t" << p[i].tt;


  cout << "\n Total time:" << tte;

  int twt = 0, tat = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)


    twt += p[i].wt;

    tat += p[i].tt;


  float awt = (float) twt / 4;

  cout << "\n Average Waiting time:" << awt;

  float atat = (float) tat / 4;

  cout << "\n Average Turnaround Time:" << atat;



/* Output

 Enter arrival time of P1:0

 Enter execution time of P1:5

 Enter arrival time of P2:0

 Enter execution time of P2:3

 Enter arrival time of P3:0

 Enter execution time of P3:8

 Enter arrival time of P4:0

 Enter execution time of P4:4

 PNO    AT      ET

 P1     0       5

 P2     0       3

 P3     0       8

 P4     0       4


 PNO    AT      WT      ET      TT

 P2     0       0       3       3

 P4     0       3       4       7

 P1     0       7       5       12

 P3     0       12      8       20

 Total time:20

 Average Waiting time:5.5

 Average Turnaround Time:10.5


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