If you are having lots of mail in your mailbox then it is harder to find a particular mail. If you are receiving 20+ mails daily then you might need to spend huge time to check which messages are important and which are not. As the number of mails increases, complexity also increases. Of-course Gmail have tried each and every way to make your mailbox more and more manageable. Gmail introduced labels along with folders. You can use labels to categorize messages. But still working with label is not so simple and not that much complex. A few days ago Gmail developer found a new way to manage growing inbox and they named it as “Inbox Tabs“.
What are those tabs?
Gmail inbox tabs are somewhat similar to tabs in your browser. Gmail by default provides 5 tabs viz Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates and Forums. Since this is newest feature introduced by Google, still you cannot have custom tabs. Whenever a new email arrives to your inbox Gmail automatically detects the sender, classifies it and place it in appropriate tab. So you will find all your generic and primary communications in ‘Primary’ tab, social emails (which arrives from Google+ and Facebook) in ‘Social’ tab. Even there are dedicated tabs for promotions, updates and forum emails. Continue reading Switching On Inbox Tabs In Gmail→
This post is part of series ‘Make Gmail to Load Faster’. You can read Part 1 of this series by clicking here.
1. Use https://
Gmail works on https always to provide security to your data while transferring it between Gmail servers and your machine. So even though you are on http, Gmail will take you on https automatically. But this switching process (from http to https) requires redirect. Which further need nearly 2-3 seconds of time. So if you want to gain those 2-3 second then directly type https://gmail.com or bookmark the login page for feature use. Continue reading Make Gmail To Load Faster: Part 2→
Gmail, an email service from Google and you are using it from a long time. Gmail is one of the most widely used and popular email service. It provides you simple yet powerful interface and functionality to deal with your day to day email communication. Modern Gmail comes with an eye candy interface and with great features. Of course, Gmail works smoothly on most of modern browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox. But still on other hand, on slow internet connection then Gmail takes a huge time to load. Sometime even on fast internet connections, Gmail keeps on showing “Still Working” for a long time. So here are some tricks to make your Gmail faster and quicker.
1. Reduce maximum page size
Gmail by default loads 50 email threads as soon as you log in into your account. So Gmail servers may take some amount of time to collect information about all those 50 emails. If you have enabled priority inbox then Gmail may take more amount of time. If you reduce this number, say to 25 i.e. half of default, then Gmail will take less amount of time to load.
Windows 8 mail app has new sleek, modern look. It includes a nice, clean, eye catchy design and functionality. If you are Windows live user then your mail will be shown up in your mail app as soon as you sign in to Windows 8 with your Microsoft account. This mail app also works with Gmail and Yahoo accounts. Here is how you can set up Gmail and Yahoo account in Windows 8 mail app.
Step 1: Log in to your Windows 8 mail app with Microsoft account. If you are not having Microsoft account then sign up for it. No need to get a new email ID, you can use your existing one.