Facebook… A well known social networking site that you are using from a long time. Maybe you are one of those people who loves to change their profile picture and cover photos regularly. Anyways, changing your pictures is a good idea and not a bad thing, but sooner you will have a huge gallery of profile pictures and timeline cover photos. In old days, there was an option to remove photos from your profile picture album but now as Facebook got new a design this option is removed for ‘Profile Pictures’ and ‘Cover Photos’ album. That simply means there is no straight forward way to delete old and unwanted photos from your profile picture and cover photos album. So how to delete them?
The trick is
Process is quite simple. Just open your ‘Cover Photos’ / ‘Profile Picture’ album. Once you open album, you will see all photos in grid view.
Now right-click on the photo you wish to delete and then select Open link in new tab from menu.
Then scroll down and you will find ‘Delete This Photo’ link. Click on it to delete photo from that album.
That’s all. You can use same way to delete any photo from any of your albums in Facebook.