All posts by Ankur

Hide the Admin Bar in WordPress

As you know whenever an user login to WordPress system, who-ever it may be admin or just a subscriber, WordPress automatically shows an admin bar at top of the screen. If the user is administrator then this admin bar provides some useful functionality such as links to navigate to various admin panels of websites, moderating comments, shows available updates etc. The options may be vary depending upon the plugins you have installed.

You might know that this admin bar can be hidden form Profile > Toolbar > Uncheck “Show Toolbar when viewing site”. This is something depends on user’s will. If they like that admin bar they will not hide it.

But it may happen that, you want to hide admin bar for all users maybe due to it interferes with your design. Then you can achieve this using simple WordPress hook:

add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');

Now the admin bar will be hidden from all user. That’s all. Thank you WordPress hooks!

Working With AJAX Loading

As a web developer you might be using AJAX for various purpose. AJAX provides a great capability of working with data through asynchronous calls. You can update, delete, add data in database or load data from the file by just making AJAX calls. If the script is huge then but of course AJAX request may take some time to load the content. But you know that the peoples are always in hurry and if they don’t see the content they will keep on clicking ‘Submit’ button again and again. This may lead the additional load on your system.

You can manage such situations by adding two more parameters in AJAX requests. They are beforeSend and complete.
Continue reading Working With AJAX Loading

How To Read Facebook Chat Messages And Stay Undetected

Are you getting annoyed by Facebook chat messages? In past days, if somebody is constantly bombarding you with annoying chat messages then there was a solution to avoid those conversations. Just don’t reply to those messages and then after sometime reply like you have not seen any of those messages. But now Facebook updated their chat feature. They have implemented Read Receipt feature on Facebook Chat. Now-a-days when somebody sends you a chat message, he or she will get a receipt that you have read his/her message or not. Hence old excuses will not work now. Now as sender knows, you have read his/her message or not, you cannot neglect them. Hence there is no option other than replying those annoying chat messages or turn off Facebook chat whenever such things happens. According to me, second option is not quite useful at many times.

Facebook Read Receipt
Facebook Read Receipt Screenshot

Facebook do offers a lot of privacy settings, but they do not offer any setting to turn off read receipt feature of Facebook chat. Hence to get such functionality you have to relay on some third party apps to turn it off. Luckily there is a browser extension for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. This extension will allow you to read all those messages and also allows you to stay undetected. Just navigate to this site and simply click on that big green “Get Chat Undetected” button.

If you are using Google Chrome then a installation file will be downloaded to your PC. Once download is completed, you just have to close Google Chrome if it is running and then run that installation file and Chat Undetected will get installed on your Google Chrome. If you are using Mozilla Firefox then you will receive an add-on notice on your screen as soon as you click on that button, confirming the installation of Chat Undetected. Click on “Install Now” and Chat Undetected will get installed your Mozilla Firefox in few seconds.

Once you installed add-on on Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, the add-on will block your browser from sending those “Seen” receipts to Facebook. That simply means, now onward the sender will not get acknowledgements that you have read his or her messages. So now, if he/she starts fight with you on topic “You are not replying me on Facebook chat” then you can simply ask “Did you received acknowledgement?”. As acknowledgement is not sent to your friend, Of-course he/she will say “No” and then you can simply behave like you don’t know anything. That’s simple. Now you can handle all those annoying chat messages on Facebook.

Download Chat Undetected

Desktop Sidebar: Get Sidebar For Windows XP

Are you still a Windows XP user? And you love all those sidebar gadgets of Windows Vista and Windows 7? Do you want all those awesome gadgets on your Windows XP’s desktop? No problem Desktop Sidebar will help you.

Desktop Sidebar will enable you to place gadgets on your Windows XP’s desktop. Unlike Windows Vista and Windows 7, Desktop Sidebar do not have a huge list of different gadgets but all those which are available are really useful. The pre-installed list of gadgets contains Newsroom, Calender, Tasks, Inbox, Notes, Clock, Media Player, Volume Control, Weather, Search bar, Slideshow and few more. In all there are 13 pre-installed gadgets. Apart from that you can also download various third party gadgets from Extras Page.

Desktop Sidebar
Desktop Sidebar

Best thing is that Desktop Sidebar is freeware. You can download it from following link.

Download Desktop Sidebar

Image via:

How To Enable/Disable Spell Check For All Inputs In Firefox

If you are a hard core Firefox user then you might know that Firefox comes with an integrated spell check tool. You might have experienced and used that spell checking tool while creating E-Mails. If you spell a word incorrectly, like Microsoft Office Word, Firefox highlights that word with red wavy line. Then you click on that word, Firefox gives you some suggestions, then you select properly spelled word. That’s how you use spell check. In Firefox spell check is enabled only for text boxes (An area where you can input multiple lines E.g. Message body while writing E-Mails) and not for input boxes(Area where you can input only one line E.g. Username in login form). So if you need spell checker to work with all those input boxes then you have to manually enable it.

How to enable Spell Check

Enabling spell check for input boxes is quite simple. You have to follow some simple steps.

  1. Open up Firefox and enter “about:config” in address bar like shown below.Firefox about:config Address
  2. Since you are changing advance settings, You must be extremely careful. Just a single mistake may lead to huge issue. Hence Firefox will ask you to remain careful in that area. It will give a warning like one below. Just press on “I’ll be careful, I promise” button.Firefox about:config Warning
  3. Type ” layout.spellcheckDefault” in the filter field to quickly locate that option from huge list. It will show the value for that option is 1 which is set by default. Double click on the entry and change it to 2 and click on “OK”.Firefox about:config Spell Check

How to disable Spell Check

If you don’t want or you do not like awesome spell check feature of Firefox then you can disable it. For this you have to follow same procedure but in third step rather than changing entry to 2 change it to “0“. That’s all this will disable spell check.

Enabling spell check for all input boxes will irritate you initially. But once you learn how to use that option, you will like it everywhere.

Getting Recent Posts Outside Of WordPress

Many sites do use WordPress for blogging but they do not use it as back-end for whole site. (Your site or app may be one of them.) There may be a scenario in which you have to display recent posts from WordPress blog, on a page which is outside of WordPress. No problem. You might know that WordPress is quite flexible, hence you can handle such scenario with a small code. There are two ways to achieve this. You can either take advantage of WordPress loop itself or if you don’t want to deal with WordPress loop then you can use other way also.

If you don’t want WordPress loop

So you don’to want to take advantage of WordPress loop? Then you can use wp_get_recent_posts(). According to WordPress codex:

wp_get_recent_posts() will return a list of posts. Different from get_posts which returns an array of post objects.

How to use it?

Just copy paste following code in page where you want to list the Recent Posts


// Get the last 10 posts
$recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts(array(
  'numberposts' => 10,
  'post_type' => 'post',
  'post_status' => 'publish'
// Display them as list
echo '<ul>';
foreach($recent_posts as $post) {
  echo '<li><a href="', get_permalink($post['ID']), '">', $post['post_title'], '</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';

You can simply change numberposts parameters value to change the number of posts you want to retrieve.

Continue reading Getting Recent Posts Outside Of WordPress

New Privacy Settings From Facebook

Have you noticed? A new privacy shortcut started appearing on your Facebook Account. Have you tried it? If not then you must try it as soon as possible. Just a few days ago Facebook revamped privacy settings making it more simple, understandable and powerful. Here is a list of changes that are made in privacy settings.

Privacy Shortcuts

Privacy Shortcuts
Privacy Shortcuts

Facebook introduced a new menu called as ‘Privacy Shortcuts’. From here you can control some basic privacy settings such as who can see your posts, you can review your activity log, you can preview your profile. You can also change setting related to messaging and friend requests. If you want to block somebody then you can do that also with help of ‘Privacy Shortcuts’ easily.
Continue reading New Privacy Settings From Facebook